
In-Depth Analysis:Taiwan Real Estate Customer Profile vs. Global Trends

In-Depth AnalysisTaiwan Real Estate Customer Profile vs. Global Trends-7

This report aims to compare the characteristics of Taiwan real estate buyers with global real estate buyers and provide in-depth insights and strategic recommendations. By analyzing age distribution, education level, family type, interests, concerns, and advertising memory points, we hope to help real estate developers better understand market demands and formulate more effective operational strategies. The recommendations provided in this report are based on in-depth research and analysis of respondent data.

In-Depth AnalysisTaiwan Real Estate Customer Profile vs. Global Trends (1)

1、Age Distribution

Insights:Among Taiwan real estate buyers, Generation X and Baby Boomers account for approximately 65%, compared to 55% globally. These age groups are usually at the peak of their careers, economically stable, and have the ability and need to purchase real estate. In contrast, the proportion of young buyers (Generation Z and Millennials) in Taiwan is only 20%, compared to 30% globally. This may be related to their early career stages and not yet fully established economic strength.
Strategic Recommendations:Developers should market to the specific needs of Generation X and Baby Boomers, emphasizing real estate as a long-term investment and retirement security. Additionally, more mortgage benefits and flexible payment options should be introduced to attract younger generations to enter the real estate market. Furthermore, product design should cater to different age groups, such as offering more small to medium-sized homes for young families and convenient, comfortable retirement communities for older adults.

In-Depth AnalysisTaiwan Real Estate Customer Profile vs. Global Trends (2)

2、Education Level

Insights:The majority of Taiwan real estate owners have a university degree, accounting for about 70%, while globally, this proportion is about 60%. This shows a positive correlation between education level and home-buying ability. Highly educated individuals typically have better careers and incomes, enabling them to purchase real estate.
Strategic Recommendations:Developers can conduct targeted marketing for highly educated individuals, offering high-quality residences and premium community amenities to meet their quality of life expectations. Additionally, collaborating with schools and research institutions to provide targeted homeownership seminars and financial planning can attract this customer group.

In-Depth AnalysisTaiwan Real Estate Customer Profile vs. Global Trends (3)

3、Family Type

Insights:In Taiwan, about 60% of real estate owners live in nuclear families, compared to 50% globally. This type of family structure is stable and has high demands for the living environment. Additionally, the proportion of single-parent and multi-generational families in Taiwan is also higher than the global average.
Strategic Recommendations:Developers should launch more three-bedroom or four-bedroom residences to meet the space needs of nuclear families. For single-parent and multi-generational families, developers can design multifunctional housing types and shared spaces to enhance the adaptability and convenience of residences.

In-Depth AnalysisTaiwan Real Estate Customer Profile vs. Global Trends (4)


Insights:Among Taiwan real estate owners, 45% are interested in cars and vehicles, compared to 35% globally. Other popular interests include travel (30% in Taiwan vs. 25% globally) and fitness (25% in Taiwan vs. 20% globally), reflecting their pursuit of a high-quality lifestyle.
Strategic Recommendations:Developers can design more parking spaces and convenient transportation facilities within residential areas to meet the needs of car owners. Additionally, adding gyms, sports fields, and community activity centers can attract customers who value quality of life.

In-Depth AnalysisTaiwan Real Estate Customer Profile vs. Global Trends (5)


Insights:Taiwan real estate owners are more concerned about food and water safety (40% compared to 30% globally), and their concern about crime rates and rising prices is also higher. Other concerns include crime rates (35% in Taiwan vs. 30% globally), rising prices (20% in Taiwan vs. 25% globally), and housing issues (25% in Taiwan vs. 20% globally).
Strategic Recommendations:Given the higher concern about food and water safety among Taiwan real estate owners, developers should implement strict food and water safety measures within residential areas. Additionally, strengthening security measures, using eco-friendly building materials, and offering flexible payment plans and home-buying incentives can address concerns about rising prices.

In-Depth AnalysisTaiwan Real Estate Customer Profile vs. Global Trends (6)

6、Advertising Memory Points

Insights:Taiwan real estate owners are more likely to remember ads seen in cinemas (50% compared to 40% globally). Their recall of TV and newspaper ads is also higher than the global average. In Taiwan, 30% remember TV ads and 20% remember newspaper ads, compared to 25% and 15% globally, respectively.
Strategic Recommendations:Developers can increase ad placements in cinemas and on TV to leverage these high-exposure channels to boost brand awareness and project promotion. Additionally, combining social media and digital advertising can enhance multi-channel integrated marketing, increasing the reach and impact of advertisements.

Taiwan Real Estate Customer Profile: Summary and Conclusion

Summarizing the insights and strategic recommendations of this report, the Taiwan real estate market presents specific characteristics in terms of age distribution, education level, family type, interests, and concerns compared to the global market. Addressing these characteristics with precise marketing and product design will help developers better meet the needs of different customer groups and enhance sales performance.

In the future, developers should continuously monitor market changes, understand customer concerns, and timely adjust strategies, providing innovative products and services that meet market demands to maintain a leading position in the competitive real estate market.

KSCC is a management consulting company in Taiwan. Our services include corporate in-house training, consulting, and leadership management.For more information about our corporate services, please feel free to visit our website: https://kscthinktank.com.tw/custom-training/ 

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